Our Baby Found Us

Our Baby Found Us

If you follow me on Instagram, then you saw the announcement that Joe and I recently welcomed home our newly adopted baby girl, Amaya Jo (more in the Insta post)! We are over the moon, full of love and joy and I couldn’t be more excited to share the news with you! As I sit here to write this, I realize I have so much to share, but am going to do so over a series of several posts on the adoption process. This one is from the heart on my journey to motherhood and what it truly means to me now.

10 Business Lessons I Learned in 10 Years of Blogging

10 Business Lessons I Learned in 10 Years of Blogging

You guys, it’s been ten years since I launched my blog! At the time, writing about my addiction to dying my hair the bluest shade of black (my first post ever) on BeautySweetSpot was a hobby. I was working full-time at a beauty PR firm in the city and missed writing editorially. I loved my first job as a beauty assistant at Cosmopolitan and was in the process of interviewing for a similar position at another publication. All of a sudden, thanks to the support of the beauty industry, my blog took on a life of its own.

3 Business Tips for Entrepreneurs

This year is a huge year for my business.  I just hit my 10-year blogging anniversary and September will mark 10 years as an entrepreneur with my own media company.  Thanks to the guidance of my father (also an entrepreneur), support of my family, husband, friends and agent and close-knit industry relationships, I did it. 

NBC x JM Approved: My Top Wellness Picks

NBC x JM Approved: My Top Wellness Picks

When it comes to wellness, there’s always something new and trendy popping up. Today, I shared my top skincare, travel, yoga and food picks with Sara Gore and Jacquie Reid of NBC’s New York Live. Check out the segment here.

You're Invited: International Women's Day Celebration

You're Invited: International Women's Day Celebration

March 8th, I’m moderating a panel of inspiring women that we’re calling V Empowered at the Marmara Park Avenue. Cocktails and networking starts at 6pm and the panel will go from 7-8:30. I’ll be interviewing leading ladies such as Cindy Barbershop (V Spot Medi Spa Founder), Heather Anderson (New York Pilates Founder), Jasmine Lobe (J-Spot Columnist for The Observer), Jordan Salcito (Ramona and Bellus Wines Founder), Polly Rodriguez (Unbound CEO), and Stephanie Prida (Pastry Chef at The Grill). Read more to get tickets. Hope to see you there!

My Experience at YO1, India's Holistic Wellness Program

My Experience at YO1, India's Holistic Wellness Program

When I first learned of YO1, an Ayurveda-inspired holistic wellness center nestled on 1,300 acres of property in the Catskills, I couldn’t wait to see what it was all about. As a yogi I know a bit about Ayurveda, an Indian system of medicine focusing on using nature to heal oneself, but was excited to learn more and dive in. Joe and I were invited to experience all the center has to offer over a weekend and were beyond impressed by the service, practitioners, meals, programming and property. I knew as soon as we walked in that I was in the right place when the front desk concierge greeted us by saying, “Namaste.”