
10 Business Lessons I Learned in 10 Years of Blogging

10 Business Lessons I Learned in 10 Years of Blogging

You guys, it’s been ten years since I launched my blog! At the time, writing about my addiction to dying my hair the bluest shade of black (my first post ever) on BeautySweetSpot was a hobby. I was working full-time at a beauty PR firm in the city and missed writing editorially. I loved my first job as a beauty assistant at Cosmopolitan and was in the process of interviewing for a similar position at another publication. All of a sudden, thanks to the support of the beauty industry, my blog took on a life of its own.

3 Business Tips for Entrepreneurs

This year is a huge year for my business.  I just hit my 10-year blogging anniversary and September will mark 10 years as an entrepreneur with my own media company.  Thanks to the guidance of my father (also an entrepreneur), support of my family, husband, friends and agent and close-knit industry relationships, I did it.