Because exercising doesn't have to be complicated.
It's sleeveless shirt season. Here are some simple ways you can work out your arms and pull off that cute halter top in no time. You're welcome.
Biceps Curl
This move targets the front of the upper arms. Repeat 8-12 times. Here's what to do:
Grab a pair of weights that are moderately heavy (3-5 is a good start) and make sure your feet are shoulder-length apart and your elbows are close to your sides.
Keep the palms of your hands facing forward, then bend your elbows, bringing your lower arms up towards your shoulders.
Lower your arms back down to the starting position (make sure you don't rush this part).
Seated Overhead Triceps Extension
This move targets the back of the upper arms. Repeat 8-12 times. Here's how:
Get comfy in a chair (or a stability ball) and grab one weight with both hands.
Lift both arms upward, keeping them close to your ears.
Bend your elbows behind your head with the weight (the goal is for the weight to touch your shoulders).
Slowly ease out of this position and raise your arms above your head again.
Dumbbell Shrug
This move targets the shoulders. Repeat 8-12 times. Simply do this:
Hold a weight in both your hands with your arms straight down.
Shrug your shoulders, but make sure you keep your arms completely straight.
Hold your shoulders in the shrug position and count 1 to 3 for each rep.