acupuncture — Blog — Jeannine Morris


Tried It: Beauty Acupuncture

Tried It: Beauty Acupuncture

I first heard of “Beauty Acupuncture” over lunch with a publicist friend. She wasn’t actually pitching it to me, but telling me of her personal obsession. Of course, visited the woman who coined the term, Dr. Sarah Sajdak at Aquarius Acupuncture in NYC try it. What is beauty acupuncture you ask? Read on to find out how it works.

Here's What A Grief & Loss Support Team Looks Like

Here's What A Grief & Loss Support Team Looks Like

After writing my last post, I wanted to give you a useful take away in hopes it can help you or someone you know learning to live with grief.  Throughout the past few weeks, I've gathered a team of professionals to help me with bereavement support.  It's going to take time, but I wanted you to know that this type of help exists.  Here's how they've all been assisting me and what they have to offer.

Hoboken: Best of Beauty & Wellness

Hoboken: Best of Beauty & Wellness

When I first moved from the city to Hoboken a little over four years ago, I was convinced that I was going to hate it.  A typical New York attitude.  Today, I can't express how much I absolutely love this little city and am so proud to call it home.  Of course, I did my fair share of exploring and testing out all of the beauty and wellness offerings the town has to offer.  While I still go to NYC for many of my services (see my round up of the best salons and spas in NYC here), I found some real talent in Hoboken.  Here's my edit of the best of beauty and wellness in Hoboken.