a little food for thought…
This past weekend I had the pleasure of taking a workshop with my teacher’s teacher, Raghunath, at Hudson Yoga Project in Hoboken. My teacher, Patrick, has been raving about him and his work since I started practicing with him years ago and now I finally get it. He is inspiring, intelligent, cultured, creative and encouraging. Before our handstand workshop, he spoke to the idea of reincarnation, the soul’s purpose (to love) and labels we give ourselves, which I found extremely interesting.
“What we are are pure, spiritual beings.”
When you only have so many characters to define who you are in an Instagram bio or a few minutes to give an elevator speech introduction, defining who you are is extremely limiting. As Raghunath so elegantly says, “What we are are pure, spiritual beings.”
The labels we put on ourselves, while they help to describe ours lives while in this body, are not at all who we truly are.
I am…
a mother, wife, daughter, sister, friend, aunt…
a journalist, holistic health coach, yoga teacher, real estate agent, animal activist…
Italian, English, Irish to name a few… American…
That’s just an example of the labels I choose when describing myself and you know what? They’re all limiting. What we are are spiritual beings living a human experience during our time on Earth. Of course we define ourselves through how we choose to live our lives, however, it’s important to realize that what we truly are is way beyond those limiting labels. In the end, the goal is to see others beyond their labels and remember they’re pure, spiritual beings, too.