Meet Our Adoption Team

The people who helped make our adoption happen.

If you’re considering private domestic adoption, I encourage you to check out our team. Let’s call them, Team Lombardi. Throughout the months of waiting and countless potential birth mom connections, these experts were all by our side for support and guidance. Being that our adoption happened very quickly (we found out we had a baby when the birth mom was in labor!), they all worked overtime to make sure things were done as quickly and efficiently as possible. We couldn’t be happier with the people we chose to work with.


Robin Fleischner


When Joe and I began talking about private domestic adoption, a friend of ours (who also adopted a baby) recommended we meet with Robin. We knew from the first few minutes of talking to her, that she was the person to help us get the job done. I loved that she was a woman, because when speaking with potential birth mothers, it’s important to be able to connect on a comfortable level. Plus, Robin has been through this process herself as she adopted two boys. She is kind and warm hearted, but means business and won’t let anything stand in the way of her making things happen. Exactly the type of person we needed on our team.

Social Worker

Cindy Marrone of Holt International


When we began our adoption process, we thought we would be doing an International adoption and hired the agency, Holt International to aid us. Cindy was assigned to us as our social worker and completed our home study, which approved us to be adoptive parents. When we switched directions and decided to do private domestic adoption, Cindy stayed on as our social worker. We loved having her over for visits and interviews and are so impressed by how much she got to know us in such a short period of time. Now that we’ve adopted, she’ll be conducting post-placement visits a few times this year. She’s part of the family!


Jane Aronson aka “The Orphan Doctor”


Our social worker, Cindy, recommended Jane and we loved working with her. When adopting, it’s important to have a pediatrician on hand to review medical records. As potential adoptions come up, prenatal medical records are one of the first things to look at before committing to the adoption. Jane is a special person. She no longer practices, but now focuses on helping adoptive parents navigate their way to their baby. She was available 24/7 and kept checking in when we were in the hospital with Amaya to see how she could help. I don’t know what we would have done without her. As a global pediatric specialist, she also runs Worldwide Orphans, to help provide children with education, medical care, and psycho-social support in local communities so that they can become confident, competent, thriving adults who will change the world around them.

Digital Advertising Guru

Hal Kaufman, Founder of My Adoption Advisor


Our lawyer, Robin, recommended we work with Hal to make sure our website was visible and came up in the appropriate Google searches. Each state across the country has different advertising laws and in some states, we weren’t allowed to advertise in at all. Hal and Robin worked together to make sure everything was done legally. He sent us reports each month that showcased how our keywords were doing. In the end, digital advertising was how our birth mother found us.