Last week I attended a Fusion Beauty Event with Kim Kardashian. Even though I've met her before, this was different. It was an intimate cocktail party with Kim at Villa Parci in the Meatpacking District and a select amount of other bloggers and I actually got to hang out and converse with her for an hour and a half.
I admire her so much because before anything, she's a business woman. Kim spoke to the Fusion Beauty collection, which she's a Spokesperson for and then answered any questions we had and just hung out. She's very sweet and down to earth and yes, stunning. She wore n a grey bandage skirt with a lace top, black bra peeking through and black Louboutins. I had to ask her what her guiltiest pleasure was since I was thinking of BeautySweetSpot and she said watching mystery shows.
Out of all of the Fusion Beauty products discussed Kim clearly loved the Illumifil the most. It's a primer with light reflecting properties that her makeup artists use both under and over her foundation depending on the look they're trying to create. My favorite Fusion Beauty product – a balm called Bitten.
If you really want to see what the event was like, check out the below footage. I got some of it on tape! Kim spills her date night makeup tips: