It's awards season! My favorite time of the year! I can't wait to watch The Golden Globes this Sunday to kick it all off and hope you'll be joining me as I tweet the red carpet live! The most interesting thing about the Globes this year is that every hot man (by man I mean the real men of Hollywood) is nominated. All of them! But there's a catch, they're all competing against each other.
Are you ready for this? If you only watch one award being announced all night let it be this one,"Best Performance by an Actor in a Motion Picture." The nominees are... George Clooney in The Descendants, Leonardo DiCaprio in J. Edgar, Michael Fassbender in Shame, Ryan Gosling in The Ides Of March and Brad Pitt in Moneyball.
I'm anxious to see who wins and am having a hard time trying to figure out who I'd choose considering I didn't see all of the movies. Ryan Gosling is definitely a heart throb, but I have a weak spot for George Clooney if this is a sexy contest. Brad Pitt on the other hand... I have mixed feelings. Sometimes I think he's over rated and others I think he's become incredibly hot since he's been Angelinaized. Leonardo DiCaprio hasn't been not my cup of tea since the Titanic days, but he is an excellent actor. Michael Fassbender has red hair. Enough said.