P&G Launches StyleUnited, Get Involved

As a freelance writer my week consists of meetings and events almost every day, but I always try to reserve one day just for writing.  Of course if I sit in my apartment or at a local coffee shop (my favorite 71 Irving) I often catch myself browsing the web and checking out other sites that inspire me or showcase new technology.  A day with my computer is priceless.  Recently during one of those days, I stumbled upon a new site called StyleUnited, which has pretty cool technology any the beauty guru. As the first personalized site owned by P&G that gives beauty and fashion consultations, product reviews and industry news, StyleUnited is on top of its game.  When you log on you can build a profile in their Style 360 and you'll receive beauty and style recommendations that cater to your personality and needs.

My favorite feature is their webcam consultations.  If you're in a beauty rut or having a fashion dilemma, you can have a live, one-on-one meeting with one of their experts.  It's like having an honest roommate around you 24/7 (the kind you can't get sick of).  Check it out.

*This is a sponsored post.