Marchesa for Revlon: Nail Art as Intricately Designed as Their Coveted Gowns

The invite read: Comes see the inspiration behind the first Revlon by Marchesa collections and speak with the designers, get fitted for a bespoke 3D Jewel Appliqué nail art design, and earn more about the future of the collaboration over champagne cocktails and elegant bites.  I died.     

It was just about a month ago I was trying on Marchesa wedding gowns after swooning over their collections from season to season.  To have cocktails at The Plaza with the designers, Georgina Chapman and Keren Craig was, after all, just another day in the life.  Only this time, I was a bit more excited than usual.  I couldn't wait to see what they were doing with Revlon.

"Marchesa and Revlon are both about empowering women through beauty and making them feel happy about themselves, so it was a perfect fit," Georgina explained.  "Nail art's been such an exciting entrance for us and now we're a bit addicted to it."

Let's just say that my nails are now coated with the most intricate, texturized detail inspired by an actual Marchesa gown from their fall 2013 collection.  Throughout the Plaza's Oak Room, all of the gowns were on display next to photos of their coordinating Revlon nail wraps.  Stunning!  The stickers just launched in drugstores.