By now you know that despite my "how-to" beauty reporting skills I can't follow my own advice, especially in the makeup department. I've been fortunate enough to attend several artistry classes given by different cosmetic companies, but when it's just me and the mirror it turns into a battle against my makeup brushes. To be honest, I don't like wearing a lot of makeup, but one thing I always wanted to learn, for on-camera purposes was how to sculpt my face. Thanks to Makeup Forever Academy, I conquered it. Here's the breakdown.
In a semi-private class of about ten beauty bloggers, I clearly payed attention to the "Contouring and Highlighting" section. I took notes and learned that while there are many areas you may be tempted to contour and highlight (cheekbones, hairline, nose, jawline, neck, eye creases and lip contours to name a few), you have to take several things into consideration when contouring:
- face shape
- eye shape
- skin texture
- bone structure
Apparently an oval face shape is the most flattering so the goal is to contour your face so it appears to be more oval. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to contour your face. Let's just say that once I began working with Makeup Forever's Sculpting Kit with the guidance of a makeup artist on site, I got it!
- Identify your face shape and figure out where you're going to contour with the goal of achieving an oval.
- Choose a contour shade that's one shade darker than your natural skin tone and a highlighter that's one shade lighter.
- Start up top at your hairline and work your way down to your cheek bones. Blending is key.
- Apply the highlighter in the middle of your face, your T-Zone, down the bridge of your nose and on the very top, outer portions of your cheeks. Remember, this will accentuate your face.
- Blend!