3 Tips to Tame Flyaways


Flyaways may just be little baby hairs, but they can be a big pain in the you know what. They can completely ruin the sleek look you’ve been working for hours to achieve. Frustrating, we know. Luckily, using just three of simple but effective techniques, we can make sure those baby hairs will never pop out of your desired sleek hairstyle. Try these tips and we promise that frustration you feel for your little baby hairs will go away just as quickly as the flyaways.

1. Hairspray on a toothbrush

Take a brand new toothbrush, spray a little bit of hairspray on the bristles and lightly brush over any areas with flyaways. The toothbrush doesn't disrupt the hairstyle, but it is tough enough to force the baby hairs down. This is also a great way to use the hold of hairspray without applying too much and getting that crusty look we all try to avoid.

 2. Dryer sheets

Tested and approved. This little hack is such a unique trick for taming those pesky baby hairs. Just take a single dryer sheet and gentle rub it over your hair. This will eliminate the static that causes those hairs to come up. You can also rub them on the brushes and combs to eliminate static pre-use.

 3. Lotion on your hands

You obviously do not want to apply straight lotion to your hair because, gross. But it you lotion your hands like you would normally do then run them through your hair. It will provide the hair with some moisture without over doing it. This works best for down hairstyles.