bar method

The Lower Ab Exercise I Swear By

The Lower Ab Exercise I Swear By

Sculpting abs is hard enough as it is, but sculpting your lower abs is by far the most challenging.  I was first introduced to this exercise, leg up taps, years ago in pilates and when the Bar Method started including it in their workout I was pumped.   It targets your transverse abdominals and is extremely efficient.

Everything You're Wondering About The Bar Method Answered

Everything You're Wondering About The Bar Method Answered

Since doing this fitness column about The Bar Method, a lot of you have been asking common questions about the class, so I thought I'd do a post to answer them. Founders of the Hoboken studio, Lucia Almeida-Oliveira and Melissa Opsahl took the time to fill me in.  Here, find out how long it takes to begin noticing results, truths about muscle bulking and how to integrate the practice into your fitness routine.

Barre Instructors Dish: How The Bar Method Changed Their Lives

Barre Instructors Dish: How The Bar Method Changed Their Lives

Bar Method just celebrated their 16 year anniversary, but I've only been taking class (religiously) for two of them.  During that short time, I've been inspired, made new friends and learned the technique that keeps my muscles lean and toned.  The community alone at The Bar Method Hoboken is reason enough to go daily.  Meet the ten teachers who encourage me to "get lower" and tuck with purpose.

Real Benefits of Isometric Exercise for Detailed Toning

Real Benefits of Isometric Exercise for Detailed Toning

Throughout my life, I've taken part in various workouts to keep myself fit.  Dancing, cardio kickboxing, spinning, circuit training, yoga, pilates and of course, barre classes were always in the rotation.  There was even a point in time where I obsessed over P90X videos in my own living room.  Since moving to Hoboken, I've been dedicated to yoga and barre classes and find that they work best for my body type.  In Bar Method classes, we don't sweat, we glisten, but the fine-detail toning is thanks to isometric movements.  Here's how it works.  Bye-bye burpees!

How to Breathe for Flatter Abs

How to Breathe for Flatter Abs

A few weeks ago, I mentioned that I partnered with The Bar Method in Hoboken to bring you unique barre-inspired fitness tips each month.  First up, let's talk about our core.  Back in the day, I used to crunch every chance I got in hopes of toning my abs, but it wasn't until I discovered barre workouts, that I understood the true secret – it's all about your exhale. Game changing.  Here's the deal..

A True Barre Babe: Why It Works Series

A True Barre Babe: Why It Works Series

If you follow me on Instagram, then you know that I'm fitness obsessed.  Working out, whether I'm in a yoga or barre class, is a form of meditation to me.  When the Bar Method opened in Hoboken two years ago, I found myself immediately addicted and began attending classes four to five times per week.  As someone who, loves to focus on technique, the isolated movements work for my mind and body.  Bar Method is always my answer when people ask me why my arms are so toned. Fast forward to today, and I'm proud to announce that I'll be partnering with the Bar Method Hoboken to bring you barre inspired, monthly fitness tips.  

Fit Test: Bar Method

Fit Test: Bar Method

Bar Method opened in Hoboken, so as you can imagine I've been diligently practicing my tucks and pulses.  As someone who's taken barre classes on and off for years now all over the city, I've found that while they all share common goals, each company has their own strengths.  With Bar Method, the super tiny movements and breathing exercises have already begun proving their effectiveness by sculpting and carving out my muscles just the way I want them.  Yes, I know change doesn't happen over night, but we're moving in the right direction here.