eye brows

Celeb Brow Guru, Damone Roberts, Dishes on Framing Some of the Most Famous Faces

It was such a pleasure to speak with Damone Roberts.  Known as the brow guru to A-Listers such as Madonna, Rihanna, Beyonce and Megan Fox, Oprah's coined him as a "beauty therapist," and with salons in Beverly Hills and NYC, he's unstoppable.  I got the scoop on why he's the stars' go-to, DIY brow grooming tips and his latest project. You've been called a “beauty thearapist,” what does that mean?

I’ve been doing a column for Oprah.com and we came up with this name because women like to feel good about themselves.  Women hold back more psychologically than physically and I bring out the best version of themselves.  Things change from fashions to our age and weight and sometimes you need to let things go and bring back the best thing about yourself.

What's it like to work with such iconic women?

You see these women and they’re all icons and I grew up with posters of Madonna on my wall and now her face is in my hands.  I went to see Madonna in concert at her Blonde Ambition tour and now I’m sitting front row as her primper and friend.  All of my famous clients are like everyone else.  Once you gain their trust you're not just working for them, you become their friends.

Why is it important to have a relationship with your brow guru?

You need to find an artist you like and trust them.  Don’t be adamant about not changing your look.  You’re only hurting yourself.  Find people you trust, make sure you like their work and hand it over at a certain point.

People come to me and give me a picture of Brooke Shields, but have two eyebrow hairs.  I let them tell me what they want, but upon first look I already know what I’m going to do to them.  They trust me, but I hear them out.  The relationship I have with my clients is very important.  I love the OMG moment, right after a service when they realize how much they love their look.

What are your pointers for women who are plucking their own brows?

Less is more.  Take out one row at a time and step back to look at it.  Then go to the other side and do the same.  Never conquer your brows individually.  Then use brow gel.  It helps keep hairs in place and opens up the eye to make you look more alert and younger.

What's next for you?

I'm working with thelookbag.com, to curate deluxe sample sized beauty products for members that get delivered monthly to their homes.  I find that there's a lot of product out there and walking into a Sephora can become very overwhelming.  This is a great way to expose people to the latest and the greatest.


Bold Brows are Everything! How I Get Mine

Back in late May I wrote a post called "The Easiest Breakup I've Ever Gone Through" and it wasn't about a man, it was my brow threader.  Now, a little over five months later I've been in a monogamous relationship with my new brow guru, Holly.  With a little TLC, my brows grown fuller and look shaplier thanks to her.  However, they're still not the full, defined brows I dream of (and never will be, thanks genes!) so I get a little help from  my fave new product – Benefit Brow Zings, $30. I first discovered this life changer at the Benefit Boutique opening in Soho this fall when a makeup artist touched up my face before a photo.  I liked her work, my pores disappeared behind Benefit's Porefessional, lip was a subtle pink and all looked very natural, but my brows!  They looked darker and defined.  I was sold.

Brow Zings is a duo shaping kit that has a colored wax on one side and a shadow on the other. I first dip my brow brush into the wax and then a bit into the shadow and go over my arches slightly.  The tinted wax helps to hold the hairs in place and makes the shadow last.  Even though it includes mini tweezers and brow brushes, I like to use my own brow brush because I feel like the length of the handle offers better control.  It's available in three shades for $30 at benefitcosmetics.com.

Achieve A-List Arches

Besides the nominees, brow guru, Anastasia Soare, was a VIP at the Golden Globes this year as well.  You can credit her for the perfectly shaped arches of Julianna Margulies, Penelope Cruz, Jane Adams, Fergie, Elizabeth Moss and Jennifer Graner.    

“Award Shows and red carpet events are really the perfect time to vamp up with a glam look. The stars will be very glamorous and not in everyday clothes so their brows should embody the glamour of Hollywood," remarked Anastasia.

Like her work?  Here are some tips from Anastasia on how to get red carpet brows:

  • If waxing, be sure to do it 3-6 days before an event.  After a wax your skin color can become a little lighter and if given a few days your skin will have time to calm down
  • Ask for them to be high arched and keep them somewhat full
  • Highlight the corner of the brow with a pencil 

I always suggest keeping your brows in the hands of professionals, but if you can definitely maintain them at-home.  Anastasia has great brow grooming kits that contain everything you need to keep your arches in check.  Check them out here.