Is there anything Kim Kardashian wouldn't do to try and create a buzz? This time (I'm sure you saw), she filmed herself with blood smeared all over her face calling it a "Vampire Facelift." Of course, eager to find out what the treatment was all about, I heard from Dr. Bruce Katz, the Director of the Cosmetic Surgery & Laser Clinic at Mount Sinai Medical Center, who gave me the facts.
“First of all, there is no such thing as a “vampire facelift," he stated. "There is, however, a product that can be used which is mixed with your own blood as a platelet rich plasma to be injected into the skin to rejuvenate the skin and treat wrinkles.”
Feeling a little woozy, I had to go on and find out how this treatment actually works. I'm not such a good patient and any sight of blood freaks me out. Basically, your own blood is taken, spun and prepared, then injected into soft tissue areas that need restoration. (I'm going to pass out). Dr. Katz says patients notice a great improvement in texture in a short amount of time.
He did clinical studies using this technique he calls the "Twilight Plasma Renewal Treatment" to treat hollow, sunken eyes (Kim Kardashian) and dark circles and claims he's seen "impressive results."