coffee scrub

Coffee Scrubs, Because Cellulite

coffee-scrub Whether you're into buying or DIYing, coffee scrubs are always a good idea.  Not only do they help exfoliate dry skin, but they also temporarily minimize the appearance of cellulite. That's right, cellulite.  So if you're toughing out the cold this winter, or are heading out of town and will be putting on a bikini, you need this in your life.  Here are one of my favorite coffee scrubs (worth the money) and of course, a DIY option.

BUY: Juara Invigorating Coffee Scrub, $37

This is one of the most invigorating, delicious and pampering scrubs I've ever come across.  Made with French Roasted Indonesian Coffee, it smells like the strongest cup you've ever had and helps to smooth cellulite by stimulating circulation to the skin.

DIY: Coffee Scrub

Besides coffee, one of the key components to this scrub (or any DIY scrub) is coconut oil.  It's moisturizing properties can't be beat.  With three ingredients, this one's easy to mix up.  Just make sure you melt the coconut oil before beginning your mixture.

1/2 cup ground coffee 1/2 cup coconut palm sugar 1/4 cup coconut oil

So what's the plan?  Are you buying or DIYing?