black heads

It Ingredient: Charcoal for Your Blackheads

If you happened to catch my posts last night on Instagram or Twitteryou'll notice there really weren't any.  The last thing I mentioned was early in the night, because I blacked out.  Of course, not the way you're thinking!  I was challenged to a social media black out by Bioré, in which I detoxed myself the Internet and my pores from, well, you know.  Here's how it went down.

Confession: On any given night in I must check Instagram and Facebook about ten times. When I have down time I read, from my computer screen and I don't know how to relax.  If I have a second, I write a blog post.  So this wasn't easy.

With a mental detox in mind, I lit some candles, tested out the new beauty products including Bioré's One Minute Self Heating Mask with Natural Charcoal and Bioré Deep Pore Charcoal Cleanser and caught up on March issues of my favorite magazines.  Once I started trying out new products and looking into ingredients, I was fine.

The charcoal in the Bioré products helps to open up your pores and clean them out.  The One Minute Mask really heats up pretty much immediately as soon as you massage it onto your skin.  After just a minute, really just a minute, you rinse it off and look and feel more refreshed.

*This is a sponsored post by Bioré, but all of my thoughts and actions are true.


I Rid My Blackheads Without A Facial Thanks to A Middle School Throwback

One the things that irritate me the most in this world are blackheads.  They're more stubborn than my boyfriend when he knows he's right I swear!  I hate having them and when I notice them on other people all I want to do is start trying to squeeze them out.  Gross, I know, but seriously, what's worse in skincare than a noticeably clogged pore?  Before I was reminded of this middle school throw back, I always had to have a facialist extract them.  Yet today, in my own bathroom I was in awe thanks to Biore Deep Cleansing Pore Strips. They're back!  Do you remember obsessing over them in middle school?  I used to use them often and then forgot they existed for a while until I was recently sent a bag of Biore's latest product collection to test out.  I immediately pulled out one of the strips, recalling the fact that I thought they worked, but now as a beauty guru I wanted to really see.  Here's what I tweeted upon removal:

I don't remember dissecting my Biore black head pad THIS much when I was a teenager... #beautygirlproblems

After sitting with the strip on my nose for ten minutes, I peeled it off (and quickly remembered the ouch factor like ripping off a bandaid) and sure enough there were blackheads sticking to the white strip.  They stood up and almost looked like a plucked eyebrow hair with a root (but much smaller).  After dissecting the strip I took to the mirror and was satisfied with my cleansed pores.

Check out Biore Deep Cleansing Pore Strips at drugstores.