Ladies, meet Michael, a 25 year New Yorker who works in bond sales. His grooming habits consists of a cold beer, head massage and a hair cut. Sounds like this guy likes to be pampered as much as he likes to party.
What’s in your medicine cabinet?
Well, not medicine. Pretty simple stuff… Old Spice shaving cream & deodorant, Listerine, hair gel. I also have two colognes: Burberry Brit and Chrome Azzaro. I get next to no compliments when I wear the Brit, but Chrome has attracted any and all types of women from friends to randoms to even college professors. It’s great.
What product can’t you live without and why?
That’s pretty easy. Gel would be tough, but if a guy didn’t have shaving cream we’d all look pretty dirty. Except for my friends that are still growing peach fuzz.
How would you describe your grooming habits?
I shower regularly if that’s what you mean. (Irish Spring soap for those wondering.) If you mean down there, no more than once or twice a week. Once regularly, but if there’s a party at a bar or something I’ll probably do it twice just to make sure.
I get my haircut about once a month (free plug: Esquires of Wall St. – 14 Wall St. NY, NY). It sounds gaudy and over-the-top I know, but it’s the best barber shop out there. Free cold beer, hot towel, and a head massage (don’t knock it till you try it fellas) at a cheap price. For me, keeping your hair clean-cut goes a long way.
Have you ever gotten a manicure or pedicure?
No I haven’t. I’m not really sure why any guy would, but maybe I just don’t know. If there was a girl that I thought was cute that wanted to take me I wouldn’t say no. I’d like to think I’ll try everything once.
If you could have one night with any celebrity who would it be and why? More importantly, what would you do?
Well that depends on what you mean by “night”. A “night” would probably be with Bar Refaeli. Prettiest girl in the game. I would take her on a private jet and fly west, time zone to time zone, so the night lasted twice as long. And if I were awarded this night, my product I can’t live without (from question #2) would change to Trojan Extended Pleasure Condoms. Because let’s be honest. Bar Refaeli.
Other than that, I want to have dinner with Barack Obama. He’s a guy that really knows how to hone his talents. I could probably learn a lot from him.
What’s the first thing you notice about a woman?
Her style. A pretty girl is a dime a dozen in New York. We all have our type and I notice a girl’s style right away. If I like it, I’m interested. If not, I move on to the next one.
Do you prefer a woman au naturel or all made up?
I think the right answer is au naturel. I personally like it when girls get all done up. There is a difference between a girl who is pretty and a girl who is hot. Girls who are hot can get all made up and make you look twice. And you gotta love that.
How about down there?
If I’m doing it at least once a week, she better be too.
When it comes to a woman’s beauty what’s your sweet spot?
A girl’s smile. I’m not elaborating on that because I can’t really describe what it is that I like about a girl’s smile. I just know there are very few things that can make a guy weak and for me, that is one of them.