back to school beauty

Back to School Must Haves from My Intern, Who's Really Going Back to School

My roommate Julia and I know from personal experience that when in a college mind-set we do not spend our money the smartest ways possible. We're only 19 we'd rather spend on dinner before we're sure that we've used every last drop of toothpaste.  From our experience, stocking up on the essentials before going back to school can help, this way you're not pushing your personal hygiene to the bottom of your priorities list towards the end of the semester when money runs low.  Here are some back to school rules and must haves that are worth stocking up on, no BS. Wipe away the evidence with facial wipes.

You have ten minutes until class all the way on the other side of campus.  If you just jump out of bed and go, everyone will see your smudged mascara and eyeliner and wonder why you wore so much makeup to stay in and finish The Sound and the Fury.  Good news is, it only takes about thirty seconds to wipe makeup off your face before bed.  Besides not looking like a stay out, you're skin will thank you.  Our must haves? Neutrogena's Oil-Free Cleansing Wipes in Pink Grapefruit, $5.97 at Walmart.

Avoid monthly salon visits with at-home solutions.

Along with toothpaste, shampoo and conditioner is another item that I am sure to squeeze every last drop out of.  Around two bottles can last you the entire semester. Not only do I stock up on these at the beginning of the semester to save money, but having the right products also saves me money at the salon.  I like John Frieda's Go Blonder Shampoo and Conditioner, $6.49 each.  They keep my color vibrant throughout the semester.  Don't worry, they're not biased towards just blonds either.  They have Brilliant Brunette shampoo and conditioner that brings out natural highlights and creates shine with a high-gloss finish.  It never hurts to have a fresh salon look through the semester without stepping foot in one.

Preserve your blow out, thanks dry shampoo!

Dry shampoo is new to me this year when I became more in-the-know of beauty products, but now that I've experienced it, it's going to be a must have for me this upcoming semester. My thin hair can look greasy throughout a long day, and this product can prevent that worn down look.  It also adds lift and texture for restyling, which is a great way to keep a fresh look through classes, coffees, campus errands and even into the next day.  The best part, Suave's Dry Shampoo is only $2.60 at Target.

Keep facial hair in control by investing in good tweezers.

Ok, so you don't need more then one of these but tweezers keep you from avoiding the monthly eyebrow waxes or threading sessions.  All you need to do is keep up with your eyebrows and tweeze them when you start to see hairs that don't belong through the semester. Then, when your home, you can go and get them cleaned up and reshaped. Although they are on the pricier end, Mac's Slanted Tweezers, $33 are my favorite and the easiest to use.

Avoid bad breath, because you never know... with minty gloss.

We all know that guy in class with the bad breath all too well. We also know that kid who is smacking their gum through your entire final exam.  There's a simpler, classier way to keep fresh breath.  Try a mint lip blam or gloss.  C.O. Bigelow has lip glosses that freshens breath. They have flavors that range from Vanilla Mint to Mango Mimosa and you can get them on their website for $7.50. I suggest buying a few of these, because they will go fast and when you run out you won't think it's that important to get new ones, but it is.