This past Sunday I was introduced to a workshop called Yoga & Vino at Katonah Yoga NYC that offered much more than something fun to do on a weekend with your girlfriends. Run by two incredibly talented and passionate people, the Founder of Ki-Power Vinyassa, Isauro Fernandez and Alex Elman of Alex Elman Wines, it's a journey through the senses that encourages people to savior the moment.
About 20 of us (Alex Elman included) took part in Isauro Fernandez's one-hour Ki-Power Vinyassa class, which combines the breath concentration and flow of Vinyassa with the intensity of martial arts. Being the fitness junkie that I am, I really enjoyed the constant movement, challenge and music (who plays Beyonce in yoga?). We were constantly encouraged to surrender to our breath, which allows for concentration and living in the movement of the moment.
After the yoga class, mind cleared and senses heightened, we all ventured into a studio next door for wine tasting lead by Alex Elman, one of the most passionate and vibrant people I've ever met. In her late 20's Alex lost her sight due to complications from diabetes, but after watching her in yoga class and talking with her about the wines she curates, sells and makes I realized this is a woman who isn't about to let that stand in her way. Her manerisims are on point and her knowledge of wine and passion for living life to it's fullest is undeniable. The wine tasting taught us to allow full sensual experiences to take over.
Isauro and Alex will be teaching more of these workshops around the country. I'll tweet their whereabouts!
Check out the video of my experience through the Yoga & Wine Workshop and meet Isauro and Alex for yourself!