Somaly Mam Foundation Gala

Somaly Mam Foundation Gala Honors The Body Shop

Last night I was honored to attend the Somaly Mam Foundation Gala at Espace in NYC as a guest of The Body Shop.  Of course I can appreciate a brand that creates quality body butter, but there's nothing better than beauty for a cause.  I have to share what learned and experienced first hand last night as I'm rarely ever this touched.

Since 2009, The Body Shop has been involved with the foundation (a nonprofit charity that's committed to end modern day slavery) to help stop child sex trafficking and this year they were being honored by Somaly Mam herself at the gala for standing behind the organization not only by donating but also by taking action around the world.

There were elements of glamour and celebration as Annalynne McCord, Petra Nemcova, Padma Lakshmi, Ron Livingston, Susan Sarandon and Russell Simmons were all in attendance and the theme was festive.  Yet, the audience (me being one the them) had tears in their eyes as young women from Cambodia told stories of how they were survivors of childhood slavery.  They were sold as sex slaves.  As I sat there amongst other media in my cocktail dress sipping red wine, it was very hard to listen to and opened up my eyes to things that really matter.  I was honored to be there.  These women weren't victims, they were survivors and that's what the Somaly Mam Foundation and Body Shop were celebrating.